The past said hi

My nail polish is not chipped. It’s grunge.

I know, I know, it’s been rather silent here during the last weeks and I’m incredibly sorry for this!

Currently I’m working on some sort of special yearbook. It’s pretty stressful since there’s a lot of things to do but I hope everything turns out good.

So right now I’m not really in the mood to do a lot of digital painting because I pretty much spend my whole day with my graphic tablet and at some point that’s enough.
But the good news is that I found one of my sketchbooks again. I’ve been looking for it since eight weeks and thought I lost it forever.

It’s my smallest one and I bought it because I wanted a really tiny one I can take with me without it taking much place in my bag. I even got it when I was travelling to Berlin in 2013, so I guess it’s quite fitting that I mostly use it to scribble when I’m not at home.

Here are some old drawings

And the newest additons.
I decided to face my one true fear.
Practiced with gorgeous photos I found on the facebook fanpage of my local theater where they have amazingly talented dancers. I’m afraid I didn’t really do them justice though…